Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Um, Dear Leader, can I get you some PPE?

Image: KCNA picture shows North Korean leader Kim Jong Un smiling during a visit to the Chonji Lubricant Factory
How about some safety glasses? Credit: NBC News
From the Korean Central News Agency, a news report of Kim Jong Un's visit to a lubricant factory:
...Pleased that the factory is turning out with indigenous efforts and technology the products for which it relied on import in the past period, he instructed it to wage a dynamic drive for boosting the production of quality lubricant and grease required by all types of vehicles and providing them to various fields of the national economy in the future. 
Saying that the quality of goods produced by the factory is as good as the imported ones, he called for steadily improving the technical specifications of the lubricant and grease so that they may have international competitiveness. 
He gave precious instructions for managing and operating the factory.
Good to know you can get open-top drums, flanges and braided hose in the DPRK, but where's the PPE? I sure hope the plant operator on the left there normally wears goggles or something.

(With that comment about steadily improving specs, something tells me the QA manager got to the Dear Leader; next thing we know, everyone in the DPRK will be undergoing 5S training.)


  1. You could probably get a drum or two by rendering ole Kim.

  2. Are they extruding Velveeta in this picture?

  3. Pfft- ridiculous, no chemical would ever dare splashing in the Dear Leader's eyes.

  4. You know, Soylent Green is people....

  5. No chemical would ever harm the Dear Leader. He is far beyond the flesh and blood that we are made of.

    Actually, I'm sure the guy on the left is hoping and praying that there isn't an air bubble anywhere in the line that will let loose and send the grease flying everywhere.

    1. I thought the exact same thing. A small air pocket is the difference between living and dying.

  6. it is unnecessary, as 5S is firmly rooted in Juche and it was invented by Kim Il-sung. Japanese of course emulated it.

  7. Kim is clearly having the time of his life. The guy next to him doesn't look too happy, for some reason.

    1. That is because his uncle is coming out of the pipe.

    2. No one should be that stoked to be gazing into a vat of lubricant.

    3. Maybe he was told that it was butterscotch.

  8. The Korean leader appears to be excited over large amounts of lube.


  10. Nice articles and your information valuable and good articles thank for the sharing information grease factory


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