Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Nitriding facility accident kills 1, injures 3 others

Via the Chattanooga Times Free Press (article by Ellen Gerst), this news: 

A worker at a Chattanooga facility died after a chemical fire, according to state officials.

Crews responded to TS USA, off Riverfront Parkway, on Thursday morning and found the worker and three others with burn injuries.

The worker was sent to a hospital with extensive burns, according to the Chattanooga Fire Department. He has not been identified.

The death occurred Thursday morning, a spokesperson for the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development said.

"TOSHA sent an investigator to the facility to begin an inquiry that will determine the circumstances that led to the worker's death," spokesperson Chris Cannon said in an email.

The Chemical Safety Board has deployed on Tuesday, with this comment: 

Today the U.S. Chemical Safey and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) announced that it has deployed a team of chemical incident investigators to investigate the fatal fire that occurred last Thursday, May 30, at the TS USA liquid nitriding facility in downtown Chattanooga, TN.  One person died after suffering severe burns during the incident at the TS USA facility, which uses the nitriding process to harden the outer layer of metal parts. 

Four CSB investigators arrived on site at the TS USA facility today and have commenced investigative activities, including documentation of the incident site and interviews with facility employees.

My condolences to the victims and the family of the deceased. 

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