Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The 2025 Chemistry Faculty Jobs List: 3 research/teaching positions and 1 teaching position

The 2025 Chemistry Faculty Jobs List (curated by Andrew Spaeth and myself) has 3 research/teaching positions and 1 teaching position. 

Want to help out? Here's a Google Form to enter positions.

To see trending, go to Andrew Spaeth's visualization of previous years' list.

On June 6, 2023, the 2024 Chemistry Faculty Jobs List had 6 research/teaching positions.

Want to talk anonymously? Have an update on the status of a job search? This will serve as the first open thread. 

Don't forget to click on "load more" below the comment box for the full thread.  


  1. Will the chemical engineering one be happening this year too? I think it kinda fell off hard in January this past cycle.

    1. The Chemical Engineering List is independent of this blog. It is publicized here only. - CJ

  2. Here we go again... and to think I was just recovering from the let-down that was the 2024 cycle...

  3. Remember to check faculty salary expectations against the AAUP salary survey (https://www.aaup.org/sites/default/files/AAUP_2023-24_FCS_preliminary_results_appendices_corrected.pdf)

    1. I mean this sincerely: Thank you to whoever posted this!

      My industry job is fine, and I am happier than I've been in years!

    2. Difficult to see how academia attracts the "best and the brightest" these days given the abysmal salary level, especially ones in HCOL areas. You pretty much need to come from a privileged background, have a wealthy spouse, or live poorly/not raise a family with dignity in order to justify the choice.

  4. https://www.aaup.org/sites/default/files/AAUP_2023-24_FCS_preliminary_results_appendices_corrected.pdf
    Average Salary for Current Assistant Professors:
    South Dakota State University data not found
    Brigham Young University data not found
    Utah State University $79.6k
    Randolph-Macon College $74.5k
    Claremont McKenna College $103.3k
    Soka University of America data not found
    University of Evansville data not found
    University of Lethbridge data not found

    Southwestern Oklahoma State University $61.2k
    Rochester Institute of Technology $91.9k

    1. St. Olaf College $73.7k
      University of South Carolina - Columbia $94.0k
      Methodist University data not found

    2. Can you help me understand this list more? I can't seem to find a key for the headings in that PDF. The numbers you're posting here aren't all from the same column (e.g. St. Olaf and USC are from the "AI" column but Utah State is from the "LE" column) so I'm pretty confused where to look for myself.

    3. Correction: Utah State University $82.4k (Thank you, Anonymous June 27, 2024 at 1:38 PM!)

    4. Thank you, Anonymous June 27, 2024 at 1:38 PM. It is a little confusing the first time around! The main AAUP research website is https://www.aaup.org/our-work/research/FCS [noted on page 1 of the appendices pdf ]. The narrative report [https://www.aaup.org/file/ARES_2023-24.pdf] has a full list of the abbreviations. Here are some of the main abbreviations, including ranks:
      NAME = name of institution (listed alphabetically by state)
      NOTES = found on pdf pages 38-40 and 51 of the appendices pdf
      CAT. = AAUP institutional categories
      CTRL = institutional control (public, private, religious, etc.)
      PR = full professor
      AO = associate professor
      AI = assistant professor
      IN = instructor
      LE = lecturer

  5. What, generally, have people heard about this upcoming cycle? I had heard there was a lot of general optimism about the cycles in Fall of 2022 and 2023 because COVID-era hiring freezes were ending. By comparison I haven't heard much of anything about this cycle.


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20