Monday, October 21, 2024

C&EN: "SQM to supply SK with iodine for refrigerants"

Via C&EN, this news (article by Craig Bettenhausen: 

The Chilean mining company SQM will provide the iodine needed for next-generation refrigerants that the specialty chemical maker SK Enmove, a subsidiary of SK Innovation, is developing. SK says that in addition to carrying a lower global warming impact than fluorine-based options, the iodine refrigerants work better in the heating cycle, making them more useful in electric vehicles that cannot depend on waste heat for cabin heating. SK is working with Hyundai to commercialize heat pump systems based on the new refrigerants.

Who knew that PTA production requires cobalt? (This paper (PDF) did, but I didn't (it's part of an oxidant, apparently.) 

It would be interesting to know how much cobalt would be required for a single Coke bottle's worth of PTA/PET as opposed to a cell phone's need. 

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