Friday, May 31, 2024

C&EN: "Asymchem to operate former Pfizer plant in Europe"

Via C&EN, this grimly ironic news (article by Aayushi Pratap): 

Making its entry into Europe, the Chinese pharmaceutical services firm Asymchem will take over as the operator of the former Pfizer small-molecule pilot plant in Sandwich, England. The company will also run a part of the development laboratories that will open in June. The site will include facilities for peptides and oligonucleotides and continuous flow and biocatalysis capabilities; it will house about 100 workers, including those previously employed by Pfizer. In 2022, Asymchem’s effort to acquire the US drug services firm Snapdragon Chemistry was rejected by the Treasury Department’s Committee on Foreign Investment in the US.

It is deeply weird to me that Pfizer decided to close the Sandwich site, but if I knew why Pfizer picked its sites for closure, I guess I would be in a different business. But I guess that Asymchem is finding value where Pfizer did not.  

1 comment:

  1. just because Pfizer is both evil and profitable, it does not mean its decisions are rational or good for its shareholders.


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