Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Job posting: Instructor, Department of Chemistry, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

From the inbox, a position at Case Western Reserve: 

Invites applications for a non-tenure track faculty position at the rank of Instructor. Candidates must be committed to excellence in undergraduate teaching, mentoring, and service. A PhD in chemistry and experience teaching first-year and sophomore-level undergraduate chemistry courses with demonstrated excellence in teaching are required. The new Instructor will serve a dual role with a teaching load of one introductory course per semester and will serve as the Department’s Lab and Facilities Manager, combining laboratory administration and teaching to address the need for higher level instrumentation management, upgrades to undergraduate experiments and management of the increasing laboratory class sections offered by the department. Several duties will include the maintenance and upkeep of all instruments used in the organic/analytical/physical chemistry/bioanalytical lab courses, creating policy for computer and instrumentation services, overseeing data and software acquisitions, and safety compliance in various teaching and research laboratories. The instructor will train Teaching Assistants (TAs) and provide supervision and guidance to lab staff on laboratory equipment, preparation of reagents and supplies for our laboratory courses.  The position will also collaborate closely with chemistry faculty to update and develop experiments, ensuring that our curriculum remains at the forefront of chemical education. Additionally, the Instructor will collaborate with Biology faculty members on chemical safety and building safety concerns, fostering a culture of safety and cooperation within our academic community. The importance of this role cannot be overstated, as it directly impacts essential service and advanced laboratory classes offered within our department. 

The starting term of the position is Summer 2024. A letter of application, CV, diversity statement, summary of teaching experience, class evaluations, and three confidential letters of reference should be submitted at http://apply.interfolio.com/145166 by July 3, 2024. The diversity statement should address a) How your research, teaching, and/or service have contributed to diversity, equity and inclusion within your scholarly field(s) and/or how your individual and/or collaborative efforts have promoted structural justice inside and outside institutions of higher learning. This statement should also reflect on the ways in which the candidate’s continued efforts will foster a culture of diversity, pluralism, and individual difference at Case Western Reserve University into the future.

Full ad here. Best wishes to those interested. 

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looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20