Total number of ads: 4
- Postdocs: 0
- Permanent positions: 9 (at least 6 in China, some in Hangzhou, one multiple position ad)
- Area (square cm): 304
Governmental positions (US and others):
Total number of ads: 1
- Permanent positions: 0
- Postdocs: 1 (analytical)
- Area (square cm): 23
Academic positions:
Total number of ads: 2
- Postdocs: 0
- Tenure-track faculty: 2
- Temporary faculty: 0
- Lecturer positions: 0
- Staff positions: 0
- Area (square cm): 65
Well, there ain't much out there. When 2 out of the 4 ads in industry are for spots in China and a third is for positions in both New Jersey and China, life's a little tough for a chemist. Still not much doin' for government positions and a surprising fall in the number of academic positions as well. Small college of the week is International Christian University (Mitaka, Japan, student population 3141, SA-LUTE!), which is looking for a materials science prof.
Conversations with Chemjobber friends have indicated that the job market is pretty tough right now (duh!). Big Pharma appears to have stopped hiring* and academic hiring is either frozen or entirely withdrawn. Let's hope that things thaw soon.
*So why is Cephalon hiring two senior process chemists right now? Are they going to embark on a campaign pretty soon or is this a fishing expedition?
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