Monday, October 26, 2009

Breakfast at Concert Pharmaceuticals?

According to the October 19, 2009 C&EN, Concert Pharmaceuticals serves breakfast:
"Founded in 2006, Concert is applying deuterium chemistry to develop new drugs. The company treats its 44 employees to breakfast twice a week to give them an opportunity to come in early and socialize with their colleagues. "The intent is to create an environment that is friendly, conducive, collegial, and high performance," founder and CEO Roger Tung says."
So inquiring minds want to know -- what's the spread like? Is it bagels and coffee? Or is it an omelet chef and his twenty awesome pans? Comment below or e-mail me at chemjobber -at- gmaildotcom.


  1. It's all deuterium labeled food. They're trying to see if there's any long term effect of eating 20 to 40 grams of deuterium a week.

  2. The bagels are labelled with deuterium and the toilets are in-line with a mass spectrometer. The goal is to determine the metabolic fate of bagels.

  3. I interviewed there once back a few years ago. I thought their business model was kinda of scary.

    From what they told me, most of those there had worked at Vertex and had gotten the ideas that Concert is based on from that work. They quit and started up Concert. It seemed kinda of shady---using IP and knowledge from Vertex's projects to start a company. It appeared to be a lawsuit waiting to happen.


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20