Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Daily Pump Trap: 11/3/09 edition

Good morning! Including October 28 through November 3, there have been 113 new positions posted on the ACS Careers website. Of these, 37 (33%) are academically connected and 69 are from our friends at KSR.

Industrial outlook: Vertex is STILL hiring people in dribs and drabs. Wow.

Hmmm: Midwest Research Institute (what DO they do, anyway? something for the government, looks like) is looking for a B.S/M.S. analytical chemist.

Too good not to blog: A new university in Bangladesh is popping up: The Asian University for Women. Wow, that's a name. They're looking for new professors.

Honk if you want this job: Boise Technologies (located in Boise, ID, natch) is looking for a PhD physical chemist.

Kelly Time: It's like it never ends. Are you a chemist? Do you love chemistry? The geniuses at Kelly Scientific Research wish to know if you want to be a clinical statistician, a food engineer (!?!?) or an animal care technician. Sigh.


  1. Congrats on the mention in C&E News!


  2. "The geniuses at Kelly Scientific Research wish to know if you want to be a clinical statistician, a food engineer (!?!?) or an animal care technician. Sigh."

    I won't settle for anything less then "toothpaste chemist" or "quality assurance blahdy blah"


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20