Saturday, December 12, 2009

Daily Pump Trap: 12/11/09

Good evenin', folks. From December 4 through December 11, there have been 149 positions advertised in the ACS Careers database. Of those, 26 (17%) are connected to academia, while 74 (50%) are from our friends at Kelly Scientific Resources.

Hmmmm: A couple of positions advertised from BMS and Abbott, but not much really. A smattering of government positions...

Adventures in searching: Pfizer's Cambridge site has been searching for members of their oligonucleotide team for a long, long time. I've commented on this before, and looks like they're looking to round out the team with a BS/MS-level oligo chemist and a postdoc in the same group. Good news for those folks.

Neat!: SiPix is looking for an adhesives chemist to look for people to work on the new field of electronic paper. Uh, wow -- sounds futuristic.

Kelly Time!: Oh, our friends at KSR are back to their old, stupid tricks. Are you a chemist? Do you like chemistry? Kelly Scientific would like to know if you'd like to be a microbiologist, an animal care technician or if you're a slightly used chemist. Ugh.

1 comment:

  1. "Slightly used chemist". Can it get any more crass than this? I thought the standard PC term was "Chemist with 0-5 years experience". I guess when it is a buyer's job market and 10% unemployment, blatant age discrimination can be used as a marketing tool. Really scummy.


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20