Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Chemjobber C&EN Index: 3/1/10

Industrial positions (non-academic, non-governmental):
Total number of ads: 4
- Postdocs: 1
- Permanent positions: 10

- Ratio of US/non-US: 11/0
Area: 301
Week to week Index trend: Down.

Governmental positions (US, international):
Total number of ads: 2

- Postdocs: 0
- Permanent positions: 2+

- Ratio of US/non-US: 2+/0
Area: 348
Week to week Index trend: Up.

Academic positions:

Total number of ads: 9
- Postdocs: 2
- Tenure-track faculty: 5

- Temporary faculty: 1
- Lecturer positions: 1
- Staff positions: 0
- Ratio of US/non-US positions: 8/1

- Area (square cm): 581
Week to week Index trend: Up,.

Does Millenium count?: If no, then there's 3 ads. If yes, there are plenty of positions there. Hmmm.

What's that about?: Sharp-eyed reader T.E. notes that the industrial postdoc with Cytec (that is located in Stamford, CT) desires fluency in Mandarin Chinese ("preferred, but not essential.") What does that say about a company, huh?

Small college of the week: Gordon College (Wenham, MA, student population:1,648 - SA-LUTE!) is looking for a tenure-track position in physical chemistry. The college is a member of the "elite Annapolis Group" -- sounds like a good position for someone...

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looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20