Wednesday, September 7, 2022

C&EN: trial judge says that Charles Lieber cannot get a new trial

Via C&EN's Andrea Widener: 
A US federal court has denied Harvard University chemistry professor Charles Lieber’s request to overturn his conviction on charges of lying about his connections to China.

In a written ruling issued Sept. 1, Judge Rya Zobel knocked down each of Liber’s attorney’s arguments about why his conviction should be overturned. She also refused to grant Lieber a new trial....

...Lieber’s lawyers further said that Zobel, who also oversaw the initial trial, erred by admitting as evidence statements Lieber made to federal investigators and that her instructions to the jury were flawed.

In her ruling, Zobel says that the government’s legal theories were in line with the law and were not a reason to overturn the case. She also ruled that her instructions to the jury were accurate and, if Liber’s legal team had a reason to object, then they should have done it at the time the instructions were given.

Lieber is still free on bail while he waits for a sentencing hearing. That hearing is currently scheduled for January 2023.
I imagine this will be appealed to higher courts. 

1 comment:

  1. Is it not a conflict of interest for the judge who oversaw the trial to also handle the appeal?


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20