Thursday, February 15, 2024

Job posting: Research Chemist (Heroin Drug Program Technical Authority), Drug Enforcement Administration

Via C&EN Jobs, this position:
This position is located in the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Special Testing and Research Laboratory. You will serve as a Research Chemist functioning as the agency's expert on heroin and opium chemistry, heroin production, signature analysis of heroin and opium, illicit opium poppy cultivation, & world-wide heroin trafficking trends.

This position(s) primary purpose is to support the DEA Operational Support Division, Office of Forensic Sciences, Special Testing & Research Laboratory.

As a your typical work assignments may include:
  • Conducting research on heroin and opium to recognize new trends and/or changes in illicit opium cultivation and clandestine heroin.
  • Developing methods to target opium and process-related impurities to gain insight into heroin production techniques.
  • Demonstrating leadership qualities and promoting an inspired, collaborative work environment.
  • Deriving intelligence data and information from signature analysis and communicates the findings via emails, phone calls, reports, and intelligence bulletins or notes.
  • Serving as an expert in the acquisition, compilation, and review of chemistry data from a variety of analytical techniques to include spectrometry, spectroscopy, and chromatography, as well as expertise in organic chemistry
It feels like these positions get announced on a regular basis, which makes me wonder what the turnover for these positions might be. Best wishes to those interested. 

1 comment:

  1. I always wonder what the real story is when I keep seeing the same job re-posted again and again.


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20