Wednesday, September 25, 2024

You can buy hydrofluorocarbons on Facebook Marketplace?

Via Bloomberg: 

The Biden administration has launched a new initiative to crack down on smugglers at US borders and ports. The concern isn’t drugs or counterfeit goods, though; it’s a refrigerant that’s also a dangerous greenhouse gas.

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and other agencies are arming themselves with new weapons — like AI tools that can pick out suspicious shipments — and rethinking ways of teaming up to combat the threat.

...The Biden administration made its first arrest under the law in March, charging a man in San Diego with smuggling HFCs allegedly bought in Mexico into the US. The indictment said Michael Hart concealed the refrigerants under a tarp and tools, then sold them on sites like Facebook Marketplace. The EPA has completed nine civil settlements linked to HFC importation in fiscal 2024, according to the agency.

Sounds like HFCs can fall off the back of a truck sometimes.

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