Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Can't help it

Original photo: JD Hancock
Seeing people make cracks about Vertex's success with Incivek and how it made them a tempting target for Pfizer (I doubt this is actually true) made me think of this old classic film.*

*Needless to say, Vertex is not Bambi (have ya read Billion Dollar Molecule?) and Pfizer isn't Godzilla. Right? Right?


  1. CJ: Hey now, stranger things have happened before. Was it really expected that Pfizer would engulf Wyeth a few years ago?

    Incidentally, commenters 12 & 14 (facehiker and Dr. Manhattan, respectively) on the cited thread may have some perspectives to offer you on currently or soon-to-be unemployed chemists. Perhaps it's worth reaching out?

  2. Shouldn't Pfizer (as pictured) be bigger? I mean, Bambi should maybe come up to his left toe.

  3. Sorry CJ - 'Pfizer' is no way near ugly enough!


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20