Wednesday, June 29, 2022

2022 Chemjobber Industrial Organic Starting Salary Survey results

I received 49 responses to the Survey of Industrial Organic Chemists and winnowed them down to three categories: 

Major pharma (13 respondents)
  • Geography: CA (4), PA (3), New Jersey (2)
  • Median respondent got 3 offers
  • Most indicated that on-campus interview or connections were most useful
  • Median number of applications: 10 applications (low of 2, high of 30)
  • Median salary: $117,500 (low of $105,000, high of $138,000)
CMO/chemical industry (13 respondents)
  • Geography: NJ, DE (2), TN, NE, CO (2), PA, NJ, MN, CT, TX, NY, OH
  • Median respondent got 1 offer
  • Web application was most useful for them 
  • Median number of applications: 20 applications (low of 4, high of 100)
  • Median salary: $95,000 (low of $52,000, high of $135,000)
Biotech new employees (17 respondents)
  • Geography: CA (5), MA (7) 
  • Median respondent got 1 offer
  • Web application was most useful for them 
  • Median number of applications: 23.5 applications (low of 1, high of 60)
  • Median salary: $121,000 (low of $95,000, high of $175,000)
Pretty interesting, but I wouldn't draw any major trends. More data to come from this, and more analysis. 


  1. Interesting data. Such a large range in compensation for Biotech, both in high cost of living locations. Were stock options offered to make up the difference?

    1. One of my friends works at Tesla and he has a surprisingly low salary for being in "tech" and northern CA, but he got an EXTREMELY generous stock gift at time of hire that vests over five years on top of yearly stock options that is equal to about 50% of his "cash" pay.

      I can say I was offered to work at Thermo in the bay area at a comically low salary, lower than the lowest biotech published range, and was not offered anything other than that and free advice on where to live cheaply in the bay area, aka 2hrs away.

  2. Extremely valuable info-s. Great job Chemjobber!!!!!!

  3. Thank you Chemjobber. The information you provide is very valuable and helpful as a young chemist advancing her career.

    Is there a follow-up to this data, I may have missed it.

    Thank you.

    1. Regrettably, no - is there some data that you are looking for in particular? - Chemjobber

    2. Hi, Chemjobber,

      Thank you for taking the time to reply; I appreciate it. I am preparing for an upcoming performance evaluation + salary negotiation, and I was researching salary ranges for CMO/chemisty. I usually read your blog and came across this page during my searches.

      I like that the initial data contained for CMO/chemistry, so I was interested if there was any update. I work in the Midwest, so trying to gauge the salary ranges and that they are comparable to other locations - keeping in my cost of living and etc - to ensure, as much as I can, I am being paid fairly.

      Thank you,


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20