Thursday, January 4, 2024

C&EN: "Chemours helps end counterfeiting ring"

Via Chemical and Engineering News (article by Alex Tullo): 
Chinese authorities, with the help of local Chemours affiliates, have shut down a large-scale operation that was making a counterfeit version of Chemours’s Viton FreeFlow fluoroelastomer. Officials found 4.7 metric tons of the fake product and a large quantity of precursors. The operation also possessed forged packaging materials and business documents, as well as some genuine Viton. “Counterfeit goods, especially in the chemical sector, pose substantial risks to safety, product quality, and the reputation of authentic products,” says Eric von Brockdorff, global product and business director for Chemours.

I'm curious to know why the Chinese government will help with some counterfeiting and not others?  


  1. I would think FFKM would be a larger target for counterfeiting. Some grades have become insanely expensive and hard to obtain.

  2. I wonder if the Chinese government wanted it for themselves, and will take all the "IP" from this company and start their own counterfeiting ring now.

  3. My employer had a bad experience pursuing a patent infringement case. This stuff is extremely difficult to prove unless you catch someone red-handed with stolen documents.


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20