Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Job posting: Data Steward (Research Engineer), Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris (Chimie ParisTech), Paris, France

From the inbox: 

Job Summary: Within the framework of the recently funded ChemAI major research program, PSL University is seeking a data steward/research engineer, with a background in chemistry and computer science. The goal of the ChemAI project is to bring PSL University to the forefront of the on-going data

science/artificial intelligence revolution in chemistry, by transforming the way data is produced, collected, processed and shared across the chemistry/chemical engineering departments. The data steward is expected to play an active, supporting role in achieving this goal, through the deployment

and upkeep of data management infrastructure and the development of user-friendly tools – to interact with this infrastructure, on one hand, and to build AI models based on the stored/collected data, on the other hand. 

Additionally, the data steward is expected to organize training sessions on the use of these tools, and digital chemistry more broadly, for the PSL community. Finally, the data steward is also warmly encouraged to assist in the identification and development of new research lines related to AI in chemistry, in close collaboration with the individual research groups. Interactions with other academic institutions across the wider Paris region are also foreseen, e.g., through the Paris Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (PR[AI]RIE) and the DIM MaTerRe research program of the Ile-de-France region. 

This position offers a unique opportunity to gain skills and expertise that are highly valued in both industry and academia, providing a strong foundation for pursuing diverse career paths....

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Ph.D./M.Sc. in Chemistry, Computer Science, or a related field, or equivalent experience in a relevant discipline.

Deadline is February 7 for application. Full ad here. Best wishes to those interested. 

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looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20