Friday, November 5, 2010

Everyone's favorite slide


  1. Love it! Too true!

  2. Where's the tongue-slobbering financial acknowledgments? The ones where the presenter is like "Oh, NIH, NSF, I love you so much!"

  3. NIH? There's no steeekin' NIH fundin' here. We're MEGAPHARMACORP, and while we value the contributions of NIH, we have no need of federal funding.

    (Until we do.)

  4. Where is the mention of the foreign outsourcing company where half the scientists' jobs went? Must be trying to keep the remaining scientists' morale luke warm by just not acknowledging those contributions...

  5. Anon9:38p, we here at MEGAPHARMA don't fear our Asian partners.

  6. Nope we don't fear them. We highly appreciate their low cost research. However, since we at MEGAPHARMA know that research is something best bought, we do not feel that our Asian partners' work should be acknowledged. Instead, we chose to acknowledge only those purchasing the work. Kind of like when we acquired MEDIUMPHARMA and LIL'BIOTECH. The pesky companies (and sites and scientists) disappeared, and we got to fill-up our pipeline so we will remain the MEGA-ist company in the world. Now it time to go lay off what scientists we have left! Need to save up some more green if we are going to seal our next deal!

  7. @1:55PM - No worries, those LIL and MED scientists went on to a "brighter" future of re-applying for postdocs in major academic labs, which was positive, because it ensured that lower-tier profs got to keep their grad students for seven or more years.

  8. @Chemjobber: Why no love for the purifications group or glassware cleaners?

  9. @A2:31p:

    A tragic omission -- I will rectify it soon. Thanks for the reminder.

  10. Don't forget the I.T. Staff who keep the SharePoint site and instrument dataflow running!

  11. Another tragic omission -- good point.


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