Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Postdoctoral opportunity: Samer Lab, Weizmann institute of Science, Tel Aviv, Israel

From the inbox:  

About the Lab:

We are an enthusiastic and motivated organic chemistry research group at Weizmann Institute of Science, situated at the interface of reaction discovery, electrosynthesis, and catalysis. We are interested in addressing unsolved challenges in organic synthesis to expand the retrosynthetic analysis in synthetic chemistry through innovative study of under-explored chemical functionalities. This research would allow the creation of next generation of drug molecules, agrochemicals, and materials.

Why Join Us?

We offer a dynamic, supportive, and collaborative research environment that brings together Israeli and international scientists. You will receive extensive and unique training in organic synthesis and electrochemistry, coupled with broad-ranging collaboration with industry partners to apply and advance the newly acquired knowledge effectively. The Weizmann Institute is not just a top research institute in Israel but also a global leader in scientific innovation. Renowned for its groundbreaking discoveries, the institute boasts unparalleled research facilities and funding, making it the ideal place for cutting-edge research.

Full ad here. Best wishes to those interested.  

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looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20