Murray State's Department of Chemistry is looking for a one-year Visiting Assistant Professor for the next academic year (25-26). The candidate must have a PhD in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering, and must be able to teach general and/or organic chemistry (biochemistry is also an option). MSU is an ACS accredited, primarily undergraduate department with nearly 75 majors and over 100 minors in rural western Kentucky. Research space for the candidate is also an option. Please provide CV if interested.
Email Professor Kevin Miller (kmiller38 -at- if interested.
One of many reasons I'm glad I ended up in industry is that I don't have to consider jobs like this that are one year contracts. It is one thing to be located in a large urban hub of your industry and to take a 1 year position. You can easily apply to other positions at the end without relocating. If you take a 1 year job at a small town college or university, your life will be on hold for a year. You barely settle in and have to be prepared to relocate and you are back to square one with remote job applications.