Thursday, May 2, 2019

Job posting: 2 remote positions, Master Organic Chemistry

Friend of the blog James Ashenhurst is looking for two part-time employees for his website:
Master Organic Chemistry (MOC) is hiring for two part-time (10+ hours/week), non-lab, 100% remote positions: Organic Chemistry Literature Researcher, and Chemical Drawing Assistant.
Best wishes to those interested. 


  1. 20 USD/hour is not a good rate

    1. Ya, I can't justify spending two hours per night after work to do some boring tasks at that rate. I imagine this would be great for undergrads, grad students, or post-docs...

    2. It's better than what the Princeton Review people offer for online tutoring, I saw an ad where they offer USD 13 to 15.

    3. you may have noticed that some unnamed companies already stopped recruiting for 6 month temp positions without benefits. When the economy is booming, maybe one should not take exploitative jobs. The competition works both ways.


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20