Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Warning Letter of the Week: no confusion edition

1. Your firm failed to ensure that laboratory records included complete data derived from all tests necessary to ensure compliance with established specifications and standards (21 CFR 211.194(a)). 
On October 24, 2018, our investigator observed torn documents of stability study data, analytical testing sheets, analysis calculations, and release forms that were placed into clear trash bags. Stability study documents for three batches of [redacted] mg tablets were salvaged from the trash and compared to the official and approved records. Out-of-specification (OOS) results were among the data found, however the official results were recorded as within specification. Additionally, it was observed that blank stability study forms were prepared, pre-signed, and approved by the quality unit before recording the test data. 
In your response, you acknowledged the multiple trash bags containing torn quality control documents and the practice of signing documents before recording the data. You stated the torn documents were from scale-up batches in which you tore the documents so as “not to create confusion in the mind of the investigator.” Your response was inadequate because you did not explain the discrepancies between the torn documents with OOS values and the documents retained by the quality control laboratory that included passing values. Additionally, you did not complete a retrospective evaluation of all potentially affected quality-related records to determine the scope of data integrity practices, including, but not limited to, the signing of blank documents before performing laboratory tests.
That. Is. Amazing. Unreal. 

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