Monday, October 31, 2022

C&EN: GE securing its iodine supply

In this week's Chemical and Engineering News, this news on iodine (by Craig Bettenhausen): 
GE Healthcare has signed a long-term agreement to buy iodine from the Chilean mining company Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile (SQM). GE uses iodine to make contrast media for computerized tomography imaging. The deal comes as GE opens a $30 million production line for the media in Cork, Ireland, as part of a push to make 30 million more doses per year by 2025. GE says demand for the media should double over the next decade because of the higher incidence of chronic medical disorders.

If you asked me "where does iodine come from?" I would have genuinely said "I have no idea." This material appears to be come from natural iodate deposits called "caliche." 

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