Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Now THIS is Soviet-style propaganda

Parody of this Soviet-era poster. 

I don't see Leigh's post being anything close to this poster.

(By doing this parody, I don't wish to make light of the killing machine that was/is Communism.)


  1. So am I Lenin or the kid in the neckerchief?

  2. Lenin, I think. We should ask Mary.

  3. You are just making fun of the killing machine that was/is grad research in synthetic organic chemistry

  4. I forgot that Nekrasov was so big in the Soviet Union as to be used on propaganda posters. Well, looks like that kid is not paying much attention to the book anyways.

  5. One day, I'm going to fill my lab with propaganda posters. Science for the Revolution! Labor is Glorious! Sacrifice for the Nation!

  6. Leigh, you are an issue of Pravda on the table. And I am being dead serious about that too.
    As to the CJ, this whole exercise did nothing for me except damaging your credibility.

  7. A9:20p: Care to explain further? I am genuinely interested in what you have to say.

  8. @CJ: Pay Anon9:20 no mind...he/she/it is just being crabby during the most wonderful time of the year. Yeah, I know that being a chemist these days can suck, especially considering the job insecurity and under-appreciation from society. Having myself gone through the inglorious experience of being laid off during the holiday season yet miraculously regain employment in chemistry, I find that projecting animosity/frustration on others is ultimately not constructive. Who cares if LKB and CJ are somehow organs of the ACS Politburo? Think of chemistry as similar to the winter weather in the Northeast: Love it or leave it.

  9. Is Leigh actually on the payroll of C&E News?


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20