Tuesday, March 18, 2014

What's been wasting my time for the last 48 hours?

This very simple game. If you don't have time to waste, don't click on the button -- you've been warned. 


  1. It's fun, for sure, but I think it's a cheap clone of the iOS/android game "Threes" which is much better in it's execution. I may or may not have several hours worth of experience with Threes.

  2. You know "you've been warned" notices are just gasoline on the fire. For this to happen on the cusp of the end of semester marking whirlwind is criminal. From the whirlwind's dark heart I curse you (he says while sliding right to double up his 64's).

  3. 5112 first try. No idea if that's good, but the game makes you feel like you're actually good at it. Very addicting.

  4. Wow. Much tile.

    Level = derp.

  5. Great minds blog alike. Randall has an apropos 2048 comic up today at xkcd.com. And, yes, I wasted several hours with this game last night. Arrrggghhhh.

  6. I hate you chemjobber

  7. Stewie Griffin:
    I did it! Got the 2048 tile! Total score 20176. Sweet.

  8. I hate you for this.

  9. The deadwood faculty need to do something...


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20