Monday, August 28, 2023

C&EN: Aurorium to close pyridine plant in Indianapolis

Also in this week's C&EN (article by Mike McCoy): 
The specialty chemical maker Aurorium, formerly known as Vertellus, has informed Indiana authorities that it will close its pyridine chemical plant in Indianapolis. The facility employs about 159 people. Pyridine is used to make vitamin B3 and herbicides such as paraquat. The firm closed part of the plant in 2016, while it was in bankruptcy. It is the only pyridine facility in the US and, according to the Vertellus website, the world’s largest pyridine producer.

Makes you wonder what was driving this, i.e. what product line was declining? Best wishes to the employees at this plant.  

1 comment:

  1. Pritzker owns the company and some years back they were approached by the Chinese who had basically built a copy of the Indianapolis plant. They offered it to Pritzker because they couldn't figure out how to run it. Vertellus trained up the Chinese and shut down the older Indy plant as a result.


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