Friday, January 28, 2011

20 ways to say "I don't know."

As opposed to the pleasure felt by telling someone that "they're wrong", there's always a little sting in answering a question about your project or your science by saying "I don't know." Here's a few ways of saying those 3 unpleasant words:

1. [single shoulder shrug]
2. Let me check on that.
3. That's a really good question.
4. So this is really preliminary data, but we felt that it was important that we get this out there first...
5. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................
6. Look at the time! Gotta go!
7. [hands outstretched, palms up]
8. Here's the NMR, Professor Sames!
9. [Eyes narrowed] Did (insert hated rival's name) put you up to this?
10. I think that's in my lab notebook.
11. I haven't looked at that yet.
12. The literature doesn't really speak to that.
13. But, it's obviously the thermodynamic product!
14. [double shoulder shrug]
15. You know, that's something we're going to look at in our next round of experiments.
16. [silence] Any other questions?
17. IDK my BFF Jill?
18. Huh.
19. You know, there are some questions that we haven't been able to answer.
20. I don't know.*

*(Only to be used in dire circumstances or if you have a sudden attack of extreme honesty.)


  1. laughed out loud at #17. Nicely done, CJ

  2. We had an Arab colleague who was skillful in giving polite and foggy reply to any question he did not know. His trademark was "There are many possibilities..."
    (One did not feel like pressing him on the subject after that.)

  3. I think Labmate X did that part of the experiment.

  4. A12:13: Excellent! Always a classic.

  5. We were going to investigate that further but felt it was more important to follow our lead on XXX

  6. I usually go with #20 followed by that is a very good question (unless the question wasn't good then I state my opinion).

  7. So funny (:
    I normally shrug and then walk away... tehee!

  8. I would day number 10 and 20 the most


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20