Wednesday, January 26, 2011

PTFE O-rings

Not much time to blog this morning, but some small useful things (links):


  1. CJ, I like your choice of headings for these types of posts :) Thanks for putting me on your list.

  2. I got a different message from the SOTU. Cheap college credits and lots of encouragement for new scientists. Isn't more chemists the last thing this nation needs right now?

    Additionally, to pay for the cheaper college (to increase the supply of chemists) oil companies credits will be reduced. This will make the price of oil go up, which will initially hurt all chemical companies, and thus chemists. Where do you think they get feedstocks for most chemicals? "Green" chemistry cannot advance fast enough to keep many chemical fields profitable. "Green" chemistry leaders do not include the US. If the SOTU comes true expect faster outsourcing of lucrative jobs in chemistry.

  3. No problem, Sharon -- keep up the great writing!

  4. My two favorites:
    Little teflon GG-joint collars
    14/20 to 19/22 adaptors

  5. Thanks for spreading the word!!! -Ckellz


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20