Monday, March 3, 2014

This week's C&EN

A variety of interesting tidbits:
I really enjoyed this series on lab-to-commercial scale work by Rick Mullin, Ann Thayer and Michael McCoy. I found Rick Mullin's story about a University of Kentucky professor's work on better mercury chelators to be fascinating (great molecule -- what to do with it?). Their work with PCI Synthesis for scale-up is highlighted, including this mysterious little comment (emphasis mine): 
In the face of these challenges, PCI’s analytical group took the catbird seat. 
“Analytical and synthesis have to work hand in hand,” Price says. “You don’t know if your synthesis guys are doing a good job if you can’t see what they’re doing.” PCI has significantly boosted its analytical chemistry staff over the past four years, Price says, and the firm now has nearly as many analytical chemists—about 20—as process chemists. 
Mehdi Yazdi, director of analytical chemistry at PCI, who joined the company in 2011, says the firm’s work for small clients such as CTI is picking up. “Since I have been here, we’ve revamped the whole analytical department,” Yazdi says. PCI has replaced nuclear magnetic resonance testing with high-performance liquid chromatography, he notes, a shift that proved crucial in developing NBMI to FDA standards.   
 While I certainly agree, I am wondering what PCI was doing without HPLC? That is oddly worded to me. 


  1. Considering the whole oil industry is somewhere around 1 million(?), +600k seems ah, ludicrous. Thanks ACC, now go back to your little PR hack cave. MORE STEM! WE NEED MORE STEM!

  2. The shale boom is already over. According to the EIA, production has been flat since late 2011, prices have doubled off their lows, and coal is re-gaining market share as a result. While production will probably creep up a bit over the next decade or so, it will eventually return to its long-term decline. Burning our dwindling gas reserves in a rush doesn't create jobs. At best it pulls a few forward from the future, or poaches them from Europe, Japan, etc. I seriously doubt the number is anywhere near 600k anyway, even if you count temporary construction jobs. That figure is clearly PR babble.


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20