Monday, May 9, 2016

Your 2017 ACS dues will be $166

Also from this week's C&EN, Kristin Omberg, the chair of ACS' Committee on Budget & Finance writes about the increase:
Each spring, the Society Committee on Budget & Finance (B&F) reviews a proposed membership dues increase for the following calendar year. Between 2015 and 2016, dues increased $4.00, from $158 to $162. In 2017, dues will increase $4.00 again, to $166. 
If you'd like to understand their formula, read on. 


  1. It's cause of Scihub, innit?

    1. LOL. (Real answer: it tracks a portion of the Consumer Price Index.)

    2. Because everyone knows that the ACS execs deserve a raise even when so many members are un-/under-employed.

    3. Well the top 10 paid ACS employees only made ~6 million dollars combined in 2014. It's only the dues of roughly 30 thousand ACS members.

  2. You really might as well just set 2 benjamins alight!

  3. "Views expressed on this page are those of the author and not necessarily those of ACS."

  4. I wish you could get C and E news without being a member.

    That is the only thing that I miss about not being a member.

    1. I understand that you can get it as a non-member for $285.

    2. Or you can dig them out of the recycling bin at work for free!

  5. I find the 25 free articles are a huge benefit. As a corporate scientist, we do not have subscriptions to most journals and have to pay one by one. There are plenty of ACS articles I want to read, but don't quite match the corporate bottom line. That's what I use my 25 freebies for.

  6. Thank God for those good Communists at sci-hub!

  7. No thanks. Free content on the internet has been way more useful than paying to be part of an outdated professional organization.


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20