Tuesday, January 11, 2022

The 2022 Faculty Jobs List: 531 research/teaching positions and 75 teaching positions

The 2022 Chemistry Faculty Jobs List (curated by Andrew Spaeth and myself) has 531 research/teaching positions and 75 teaching positions. 

Want to help out? Here's a Google Form to enter positions.

On January 12, 2021, the 2021 Chemistry Faculty Jobs List had 248 research/teaching position and 29 teaching positions. On January 14, 2019, the 2020 Chemistry Faculty Jobs List had 516 research/teaching positions and 51 teaching positions.

To see trending, go to Andrew Spaeth's visualization of previous years' list.

Want to talk anonymously? Have an update on the status of a job search? This will be the fourth open thread. Go to the third open thread. Go to the second open thread. Here is the first open thread. The first open thread was closed on November 10, 2021.

Here is Sean Edington's status summary spreadsheet.

Don't forget to click on "load more" below the comment box for the full thread.


  1. I apologize for the list but has anyone heard from UNLV (PChem), Duke (PChem), New Mexico State (Open), or Northeastern (Clean, Renewable Energy cluster hire)? Thanks!

  2. Northeastern had zooms this week. Haven't heard from Duke yet. Didn't apply to the others

    1. Hello, I would like to double check the zoom interview with Northeastern (Clean, Renewable Energy cluster hire). Is it finished? Received the zoom interview invitation more than 1 months ago with no further specifics.

  3. Northeastern INVEST (cross-disciplinary) search is scheduling (virtual) on sites

  4. Any word from the UCLA biochemistry search?

  5. Anybody hear from Tufts or SUNY Binghamton after the screening interviews?

    1. Someone on the Future PI Slack spreadsheet tab 6 said that they are a postdoc and that Tufts started onsite interviews last week.

    2. To clarify: they said they are a postdoc at Tufts Chem

    3. Sorry that I was ambiguous earlier: do you know if that's for the inorganic or open search? I'm on Future PI Slack but I can't seem to find the present application spreadsheet, just the 2020-2021 sheet.

    4. Never mind, I figured out the future PI slack thing. Sorry for the spam.

    5. Confirmed that Tufts just started onsites for the open search

    6. Binghamton Biochemistry/Chemical Biology scheduled onsites

  6. Clemson PChem is scheduling Zoom interviews

  7. Anyone heard from UMass Boston?

  8. Anyone heard from NYU's COMP search?

    1. NYU comp scheduled interviews in late Dec 2021.

  9. University of New Mexico is conducting zoom interviews for the organic positions.

  10. Anyone heard from Clemson analytical?

    1. They have scheduled Zoom interviews

  11. Anyone heard from Cornell?

    1. Cornell already is partway through onsite interviews

    2. What field(s) is Cornell hiring?

  12. Anyone heard from SDSU computational pchem after the Zoom interviews?

    1. They reached out for virtual onsite this week

  13. UCLA has some candidate seminars on their calendar for the open search

  14. Any word from UMaine Farmington?

  15. Anyone heard back from Dalhousie?

    1. Same. Any idea if they have reached out for rec letters?

    2. Not that I'm aware of.

    3. Dalhousie sent an invitation for a Zoom screening interview this afternoon. This was for "Assistant Professor (x2) in Experimental Chemistry and Theoretical/Computational Chemistry." This was not for the position that required self-identification as a member of an underrepresented group.

  16. Any word from Queen’s?

    1. If you are talking about St. John's University, they just started virtual "onsite" interviews.

    2. Zoom interviews are in progress for Queen's

  17. Any update from Baylor after zoom interview?

  18. Has anyone heard back from UCBerkeley after the Zoom interview?

    1. Update that they are reaching out for next round of (virtual) on sites

    2. Anyone heard from UCB after on-sites?

  19. Anyone heard from UMass Lowell?

    1. Received automatic rejection today

  20. Has anyone heard from UCSD (energy/quantum materials)?

    1. Zoom screening interviews are going on now.

  21. Anyone heard from Texas Tech (organic) since the zoom interview in early December?

    1. Just this morning I got an email to schedule an on-site interview for the organic position.

  22. UCSB Chemistry has scheduled faculty candidate seminars on their calendar.

  23. Any word from Vanderbilt or George Mason?

    1. It looks like George Mason is doing onsite already. Only already TT candidates. But I may be wrong as this assumption is based on their seminar calendar.

    2. I know it is too late for a hope for this school, but I cannot find any candidate seminar from their calendar. The search was open for asst., so I thought current schedules are just for regular departmental seminars. Couldn't find any info. more.

  24. anyone heard from the Baylor biochem search?

  25. General comment here:

    You know someone in your group is applying to the same pool of schools as I am. I received multiple interviews last cycle so it's not that I am not qualified, but I barely received any interview this year probably due to peer competition from the same group.

    Now they received multiple offers this cycle but did not accept any of them and will apply again next year.

    Any suggestions?

    1. Suggestion: don't air someone else's business on this website in an easily identifiable manner.

  26. has anyone heard about onsites for CSULA?

  27. anyone heard from the NC State Materials search?

    1. I didn't see this position posted, was it on CJs sheet?

    2. it is the materials for health and energy (line 542).

  28. How long after the last interview for a position does it typically take for job offer(s) to be made?

    1. People from my last interview told me that it would take around 4 weeks for them to send out the first offer after they interview the last candidate. Although I believe this strongly depends on different universities.

    2. There is insane variation in my experience. At one institution I interviewed, the last interview was a Friday and they made the first offer the following Tuesday. At another institution I interviewed, the last interview was early December and they notified me last week that they are still deciding. So the range is 3 days to almost 2 months...

    3. With the above comment in mind, a really good question to ask during your meeting with the department or search chair is what timeframe they expect for the offer. You can also reach out after the interview to the search chair to ask this question.

    4. A candidate declining an offer can take 1 week to 1 month as well, further adding to the ranges listed above. The inquiry 4:09 suggest is fine, but know that chairs can be cagey in their response (if they respond). They want to keep the other candidates interested, but not obliquely state they didn't get the first offer.

    5. It depends how many people they are interviewing and where you at on their schedule. If you are first it could take up to 6 weeks and if you are last maybe like 1 week. This is something that you should ask at the end of your interview for your own peace of mind.

  29. There are three people on the Arizona seminar schedule who might be in-person candidates for the chemistry/biology interface position.

  30. Has anyone heard from Denver after the phone interview?

  31. Apparently Emory is currently conducting onsite interviews. There are about 10 two-day interviews scheduled in its event calendar in Jan and Feb.

  32. UTRGV closed the search process for the organic position and will not be filling this position at this time.

  33. Does anyone heard from Tennessee Tech and Vanderbilt for Organic chemistry position?

    1. Probably doesn't mean much, but I've not heard from the Vanderbilt organic position.

    2. Vanderbilt is conducting onsite interviews, the candidates are disguised as "professors" in its event calendar.

  34. New Mexico State University (Open Discipline) reached out for zoom interviews for next week.

  35. What does it mean when an institution requests rec. letters after on-sites have finished? The person this happened to had an on-site interview if that helps.

  36. It is quite unusual for an institution to request rec letters that late. What place is it?

    1. Knowing the institution does nothing to benefit anyone, but does make the original poster more identifiable.

    2. Did you end up getting an offer at her school, person who had letters requested after onsite?

  37. Has anyone heard for on-sites from U Detroit Mercy ?

  38. Has anyone heard from Sam Houston State University ?

  39. Received an automated rejection email stating the open position has been offered to another candidate

  40. Received an automated rejection email from Texas A&M stating the open position has been offered to another candidate

    1. Do you mean the synthetic/computation position at Texas A&M (college station)?

    2. Correct, that is what I applied to

    3. Did you interview with them?

    4. I was interviewed with UD Mercy, but the position seems to have been offered to another interviewee, which has accepted the offer.

    5. I was asking about A&M

  41. How about Sam Houston State U ?

  42. did anyone hear from the Washington State University at Pullman?

    1. I've not heard from them yet. even for the initial interviews

    2. WSU is still in the process of reviewing applications for the chemical biology position.

    3. WSU has begun scheduling on-site interviews.

    4. WSU chemical biology position has begun scheduling on-site? I am confused. I was contact a week ago by the committee to check my availability and interest, they said they were in reviewing process. But I have not heard from them about any interview before or after that time.

    5. Can only confirm this is indeed for the chem bio position and that they have sent out invitations/started planning visits for some candidates.

  43. God rejection email from Rice University, BME

  44. Curious if anyone ever heard from Duke (pchem position)

    1. Zoom interviews were happening a few weeks ago.

  45. Is there any update on UCSD (quantum and/or energy materials and/or solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy)?

  46. Has anyone heard from University of Lethbridge (tenure-track position in any area of Biochemistry)?

    1. This probably has some bearing on hearing back from Lethbridge faculty these days:


    2. Thanks for the info.

  47. Anyone heard from UNLV's COMP position?

  48. Has anyone heard about the UCLA med chem chair?

  49. Has anyone heard from Sam Houston State U yet?

  50. Clemson PChem is scheduling in-person interviews

  51. Stony Brook is conducting onsite interviews (organic)

  52. Has anyone heard from UIUC after the on campus interviews?

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Do NOT post initials of potential offers on this blog. -CJ

    3. From this comment, I take it they have made offers?

  53. Has anyone heard from Sam Houston State U yet?

    1. Seriously? You've asked this question four or five times this week. Chill.

  54. By mainly use Higheredjobs, I found that the chemistry jobs are very comprehensive (including all the positions from chemjobber). But I recently feels that I missed a lot of MSE opportunity. Is that the case?

    1. I don't think anyone can tell you if you missed any opportunities unless we know where you applied.

    2. I am in organic/biomaterials, and apply all related positions I saw with phd programs. I look at the catagories "chemistry""chemical engineering"""biological engineering" and "other engineering" on Higheredjob. I applied 40+ chemistry, but only 4 mse. So I feel Higheredjobs might not be a comprehensive website for materials positions?

    3. I looked at the engineering category in its entirety on higheredjobs since MSE programs were not always categorized correctly by subdiscipline. Some of them ended up in mechanical engineering. I applied to 16 MSE (including joint CEMS departments) positions this cycle. MRS jobs is another good place to look for MSE positions, for future reference. I am in a different subdiscipline, though, so I didn't apply to any that are specifically for "soft materials" but I probably applied to others that were not looking in your subfield.

      FWIW my hit rate was much lower in engineering than in chemistry

    4. Thank you for the info, I'll definitely look at Mechanical Engineering next season (hopefully not).

    5. Hi Guys, I have a similar question. I found Higheredjobs very comprehensive for chemistry positions. Anyone in pharmaceutical chemistry fields here, do you feel Higheredjobs comprehensive in this field, i.e., Pharmacy/Medical Schools? Thanks for discussion!

  55. Have anyone finished the phone interview with Northeastern University? (clean, sustainable Energy direction)

  56. Got rejection from northwestern for the experimental pchem search today

    1. Did you interview with NU?

    2. What did the email say? Was the position filled or offer was made?

  57. Anyone heard from Dalhousie after the initial Zoom interview?

    1. Nothing over here

    2. Just got a rejection email from the department chair

  58. Any news from UT Arlington organic- analytical search ?

    1. They are currently conducting onsites.

  59. Anyone heard from University of New Mexico (organic) since the zoom interviews in Jan?

    1. I also had the first round zoom and haven't heard back...still might be a bit too early to hear since they were doing first round interviews in late Jan.

    2. They made contact last week to schedule onsites.

  60. Has anyone heard any news about the University of Idaho global change position?

    1. I had a zoom interview two weeks ago with U of I.

  61. Anyone heard from Howard or George Mason U?

  62. Anyone know anything about the search at James Madison University?

    1. I received an email saying that the position has been filled.

  63. Anyone hear any interview news from Yale U. and Princeton U.?

    1. Someone reported on here a while back (don't know the date) that Princeton was doing preliminary Zoom interviews. I haven't heard anything about Yale.

    2. Pton had interviews last month for the open position

  64. Anyone hear anything from Cal Poly Pomona since the deadline? Figured it's about the right time

  65. Has anyone heard from UCLA after the on sites?

  66. Has anyone heard about on-site interviews at UC Irvine for the Biochemistry position after the screening interviews in mid-January?

    1. They seem to have had a few biochem-like postdocs give seminars in late Jan/early Feb according to their calendar.

  67. Has anyone heard anything from University of Missouri-St. Louis for the Organic Position?

    1. Invitations to zoom interviews were sent yesterday.

    2. Thanks for your information!

  68. The position for Assistant Professor - Chemistry, Biochemistry & Physics - Biochemistry and Forensics at Eastern Washington University has been cancelled.

  69. anyone heard from Case Western Reserve for the synthetic chemistry position?

    1. They were doing zoom interviews the past week or so.

  70. Are there any updates for the open positions (Clean, Renewable Energy cluster hire) at Northeastern University? Did the on-site interviews complete?

    1. Hi, have you gotten first interview with Northeastern U? Reviewed the first interview invitation several weeks ago but did not know when.

    2. I did the first interview a month ago but don't know if the on-site interview started or not? If so, has the on-site interview been completed?

    3. Northeastern started on-sites around the end of January and they were supposed to run through the end of Feb. Might have been extended I'm not sure.

    4. Thank you for your response. Do you mean the offer has been extended to one of the candidates?

  71. Has anyone heard from Drexel University(biophysical chem.), Florida Atlantic University(Chem.), and from Auburn (Biochem)?

    1. I know that Drexel and Auburn did Zoom interviews back in November/December. Never heard any more after that.

    2. Auburn finished with the on-site interviews in the middle of January and extended offers in the following week for the Biochemistry position.

    3. Thank you for your responses.

  72. Has anyone heard from either the New Mexico State Open position (after the zoom interviews in early February) or the University of New Brunswick Experimental Physical Chemistry position?

    1. NMSU has moved forward with its search past the initial zoom interview stage.

    2. New Brunswick started zoom interviews a week ago

  73. Anyone get an offer from Montclair State University?

  74. I've seen some of positions that I applied in Sep/Oct re-posted in Feb/March (but deadlines are still listed as last year) in Higheredjobs. Does this indicate their search was not successful? Can I apply again?

    1. One of my applied positions did that too. For that one it only means that they have already sent the onsite candidates' information to the HR. I don't know if that applies to every case.

    2. I had an on-site interview for such a position when it was advertised last September (for the second time, the position had been advertised previously), and it's now advertised for the third time. What this means is that you are dealing with a particularly choosy employer looking for a purple squirrel. I wouldn't bother reapplying.

    3. If the deadlines for both ads are the same, then I would take 9:59, otherwise 12:57. But either way it seems hopeless to apply again.

  75. If you are going on a second visit due to an offer, do you wait to accept the offer until after the second visit?

    Also, what do you say if a school reaches out for an interview while negotiating an offer?

    1. Regarding your first question, I think that's a personal preference. I would recommend against signing until you get a better sense of the school and location from the second visit. I've also heard of people signing the offer during the second visit. From my experience, schools expect you to sign within a few weeks of the second visit but I'm sure this can be drawn out if needed.

      Regarding your second question - it's again up to you. The advice I've been given is don't assume anything until you actually sign an offer. Until then, anything can happen so it's best to keep interviewing. But if you know for sure you wouldn't want the job from the school that just reached out, might as well decline the interview. Other folks might disagree though.

    2. Standard practice is to not make your decision until after the second visit. First visit is you convincing them to make an offer. Second visit is them convincing you to take it. You have to see if you like the area (top-25 places at least will set you up with a realtor to see what you can buy as an asst prof), what kind of lab space they are offering you, what facilities they have, etc. Also you may not even get the formal written offer with all the details until the visit or maybe even a few days later. This is normal - the department has to get all kinds of upper-level approval for the formal offer. You also might negotiate your startup package, and often can't do that until you have the second visit.

      For second question, if you are honestly interested in the second school, let the first school know you are about to go on second visit(s), so you'd need to do your first visit with them quickly.

      All this advice is from my experience being hired at an R1. Could be totally different at other types of schools.

  76. Do you know if anyone has accepted an offer for the open position at UCLA?

  77. Anyone heard from Queen's after the zoom interview last month ?

  78. Anyone heard from UNLV's COMP position after the initial Zoom interview?

  79. Has anyone heard from northeastern after on sites (either position)?

    1. No. Did on-site in Feb. and no news after that. Which position have you interviewed with?

    2. I interviewed for the interdisciplinary invest search nearly 2 months ago now- spoke to the search chair a few weeks ago who said they were still in the process, but have not heard anything since then

  80. Automated email from University of Tennessee-Knoxville (Analytical) that the search is "closed without being filled".

  81. I had an onsite in December and never heard anything after that, I even followed up in February and never got a reply, maybe some places just don't notify when they fill the position? Seems like they should notify people who have interviewed but maybe some don't.

  82. just FYI, one of the place I eventually replied me "I didn’t want to respond until I knew for sure, but we have now had candidates accept offers for both of our positions. "

  83. Unfortunately you can't count on schools to inform you of their search status in a timely fashion – or at all – even if you took part in an on-site. I interviewed at seven PUIs in Nov/Dec, and it's been nothing but radio silence from three of them. That said, I don't think there is any harm in contacting the search chair to ask for an update. The worst they can do is ignore your email.

  84. I did not got a position this season (a few onsite of public universities that are ranked ~100). I am a postdoc in a medical school, looking for chemistry or chemical engineering positions (I am not sure if that's the reason). I will not have an additional major research paper in the near future.

    But I recently got a fundable score in K99. I am considering to apply positions again this fall or go to industry (This is my third cycle of academic job hunting). I am wondering how useful a K99 is for chemistry or chemical engineering positions?
    I appreciate your thought/advise or any discussion.

    1. I am not sure how much a decent award could matter, maybe roughly view it as if you got a Nature paper? But my personal opinion is PhD pedigree plays an extremely important role, more important than papers, by comparing myself with the new hires. I feel sad even though I have many papers (including quite a few in JACS Angew) but I graduated from a low ranking place.

    2. A K99 is fantastic! Congratulations! Yes, this will definitely help your applications. It shows you are competitive for funding, which is a big boost and also means you enter an assistant professor position with incoming overhead (when the R00 part kicks in) for your hiring department that cushions their outlay and helps them keep hiring people. Get this high up on your CV and use it to your advantage.

    3. A similar question. Would a Assistant Professor title (research, non-tenure tracked) be useful in job search?

    4. A K99/R00 (in parlance, "kangaroo") is much more important than any paper, even in Nature. The "research assistant professor" in itself means little if anything, everyone knows the PIs/Universities give that title to senior postdocs to make them eligible for certain soft money funding or fringes/benefits and/or circumvent the institutional or funding agency limits on postdoc appointment durations. In actually may someone look stale/"overqualified". A RAP with own transferable grant funding is a very different story, for same reason as K99/R00.

    5. Agree with above that a significant grant matters a lot.
      For AP title (non-tenure track), if you are in places like Harvard Medical School, where they dont distinguish RAP and AP (all called AP), such a title could still be valuable, because I think it's not something easy to get.

    6. I'd love to if I can be an AP at a my decent university even if it's not tenure track. I think if it is in the same lab, it could not be worse than a postdoc title

  85. Should you bring up during interview that your spouse is also a PhD and works in industry? Should you ask for help? Thanks

    1. Your spouse should have nothing to do with the school deciding to make you an offer, and should not be part of the hiring decision (i.e. they shouldn't ask, and it does you no good to bring it up). If you get an offer, however, then it's perfectly reasonable for you to mention your spouse's career and ask if there is help available in finding them a position. Many schools (especially geographically isolated ones) have dual-career offices dedicated to making connections for spouses of incoming hires.

    2. I agree with the previous reply that it should not affect the school deciding to make you an offer, but if dual-career assistance is important for your job search, then I would recommend bringing it up as early as possible rather than waiting until you have an offer. I brought it up at all first-round zoom interviews that I had this cycle, and universally the search chairs emphasized how important it was to start this conversation early. I saw some variability in how much action had been taken in the cases that I went on-site and in the way that dual-career assistances works, but I stand by the opinion that it is best to bring at the earliest sign the institution is interested in your candidacy for the position.

  86. I just returned form an interview. I was asked by one professor almost immediately when we meet, whether I was interviewing other positions, I said yes (although I knew those places probably have selected others). Then I was asked where were those places, then I told him.
    I was not prepared for those questions, especially about specifically where are those places. Are these questions common? Hope to hear how you guys handle them. Thanks for sharing!

    1. With last cycle well over by this point, I'm afraid this question won't get many responses. I don't have much experience with this, but for the first part of the question, I proactively informed the committee chair/department head that I had other interviews and/or was expecting offers. This was to try and get ahead of the classic "do I hold on a less attractive offer in the hope I get a more attractive offer from a later interview" situation. Nothing matters until its in writing, but the people I informed appreciated the information and mentioned it could help speed things along if I was their top candidate and could send me an email/call me if they thought an offer was likely well in advance of the formal process concluding.

      I did not volunteer what the other institutions were and, if asked, I would likely have given a general answer of "peer institutions". A committee could be reluctant to give an offer to a candidate with interviews at "better" institutions. I've never seen that in my limited experience on hiring committees, but it could happen.

    2. although i've not seen it but it doesn't seem like an uncommon practice mentioning you have other offers to speed the recruitment process up/negotiate (though this is somewhat fishy). I read some HRs will ask for an offer letter to compete with salaries in some industries, but personally I won't go as far as disclosing where/what my offer is.
      However I'd expect such questions to lie deeper in the recruitment process; to me asking this early is just to weed people with offers out first as they probably can't give you a decision soon


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20