Thursday, August 18, 2011

Daily Pump Trap: 8/18/11 edition

Good morning! Between August 16 and 17, there were 29 new positions posted on the ACS Careers website. Of these, 4 (14%) were academically connected. 5 positions (17%) were posted for Asian employers.

Milwaukee, WI: Aldrich posted an opening for a M.S./Ph.D. chemist with experience in analytical chemistry or materials science at its polymer center of excellence.

Torrance, CA: Medical Chemical Corporation is looking for 2 B.S. chemists for production-oriented positions. Experience not imperative.

Gardena, CA: Spectrum Laboratory Products seeks a B.S. chemist for a QC position; 1-3 years experience desired.

Delaware: DuPont seeks entry-level Ph.D. polymer chemists. You must apply here.

Fly-by-nite?: Zyomic seeks regional sales representatives, claiming 85-200k/yr pay. Check out this ad copy:
"Outsourced sales organization, our model is different than a manufacturer representative model, we keep the product portfolio specific to the individual and the client. This allows better focus and helps strategically in the sales representative's territory. It also builds a better relationship with the principal client. Products: **** Are from a large, well-respected company, which Include Liquid Chromatography (LC), Fluorescent Spectrometers (Fl), UV-Visible Spectrometers (UV), and Surface Plasmo [sic - CJ] Resonance (SPR). Position: *** This is a straight 10% commission position, income is uncapped. *** Technical support & Training will come from the principal company. *** We pay on orders, not shipments. *** This position is for a sales representative who wants to make money. *** We are a professional sales company looking for self-starting entrepreneurs. If this fits your style, we are the place for you. Capital equipment sales a plus, as well as analytical science experience."
Yeah, I'm trusting you guys, yeah...

Broader look: Monster, Careerbuilder, Indeed and show (respectively) 318, 697, 3803 and 77 positions for the search term "chemist." 


  1. Re: DuPont ad, what's "IPC" listed as an analytical method the candidate should be familiar with?


    It's apparently gradient chromatography for polymers...just has a nifty TLA.

  3. There are actually two open positions for polymer scientists in the Polymer Center of Excellence at Aldrich. The job will be a combination of making/developing methods for catalog products and working on custom projects for a variety of industrial customers.


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20