Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Daily Pump Trap: 9/30/14 edition

A few of the industrial positions posted on C&EN Jobs:

North Chicago, IL: Nice to see 3 positions posted by AbbVie, as well as this little tidbit:
The Discovery Chemistry group has multiple openings for a Senior Scientist I, Chemistry.
Ponies prance.

Clark, NJ: L'Oréal is looking for a senior chemist. Experience in skincare, makeup or haircare preferred. B.S. in chemistry (8-10 years formulations) or M.S./Ph.D. w/ 2-5 years.

Brevard, NC: I see PharmAgra is looking again. It's like swallows to Capistrano or something.

Germantown, MD: Intrexon desires an M.S./Ph.D. protein LC/MS chemist. Looks to be entry- or early-mid level.

Bartlesville, OK: I see that Chevron Phillips Chemical is hiring a synthetic chemist; looks interesting, especially the comments about organosulfur chemistry.

$$$$: Interesting scientific director position in Las Vegas (all degree levels desired):
MM Lab, Inc. is in the process of designing and building a 2,500 sq. ft. state of the art laboratory to perform all State of Nevada mandated Medical Marijuana testing for usable marijuana, marijuana-infused products, extracts of marijuana and edible marijuana products. The Company’s objective is to deliver a premier model of laboratory services by providing analytical support and professional consulting to marijuana cultivation facilities and the marijuana product industry to insure the safety and efficacy of medicinal marijuana products. 
The Scientific Director ensures that the laboratory achieves and maintains quality standards of practice and also supervises all staff of the laboratory....
Salary: 90,000.00 - 130,000.00, with "Generous bonus program available." Huh.


  1. I wonder if the "generous bonus program" is a reference to keeping cultivation products for your own use, or bribes you can receive from the cultivation facilities.

  2. One of the Abbvie jobs says "must be willing to relocate to China"!

    1. The AbbVie jobs are legit. 10-16 new positions in IL. PhD and associate level.

      There are 4 listings under that link. The 4th are job openings at the Shanghai research site, which is the one you noted.

    2. Anon, you seem to have inside knowledge about these positions. Anything you can share to streamline the application process?

    3. Back when I tried to get in there on multiple occasions. No dice.

    4. Can confirm - Abbvie/Abbott/Hospira are very much "who you know" companies. I've seen job offers to qualified candidates be completely derailed because one person on a team doesn't absolutely love the candidate.

      The only thing that helps you get the job there is if you are a former employee with someone relatively high up going to bat for you. And even then outlook is cloudy.

    5. Interesting. Guess that sealed the fate of my application to Abbvie.

  3. I was curious about the opening at Chevron Phillips. So googled organosulfur "Chevron Phillips". Came back with the following "product stewardship summary". Here is an excerpt

    "The products in the organosulfur specialty group are organic compounds with varied sulfur-containing functional groups. They are mostly colorless liquids, except for sulfolene, which is a crystalline solid. These products tend to have a strong, objectionable, and pungent odor and are typically transported in well sealed drums and isocontainers."


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20