Thursday, February 24, 2011

The ChemWiki project needs you!

Got time? Want to work on something useful? Professor Delmar Larsen of UC Davis' ChemWiki project is looking for a few good editors. For details, see below:
The aim of the ChemWiki is to develop and disseminate a virtual customizable textbook that will substitute for paper textbooks in multiple chemistry courses at multiple post-secondary institutions across the nation. Textbook costs are a major factor in pursuing higher education and efforts to control/minimize such costs for a majority of students are important at essentially every institution in the country. The ChemWiki project will reduce out of pocket costs for education for undergraduate students, which is a common concern across the higher education spectrum, especially for low-income students.
I'm quite fond of (because I contributed to) the ChemWiki's techniques section, when Kyle Finchsigmate's lab ChemWiki was all the rage.

Go to it, folks!


  1. I looked up 'recrystallisation' in the 'Techniques section', because I know something about this. Unfortunately, it's written in a kind of jokey colloquial American and it is full of lab jargon. It's difficult to follow, even for a reasonably knowledgeable English-speaking European.

    For such a project to be of any interest, attention must be paid to the style of writing. Ideally, the editors should not have English as first language.

  2. Sounds like a fair argument and one that I can respect.

    We are looking for people like you that see what needs to be changed (at least for your specific position) on the ChemWiki and are hopefulyl willing to contribute by implementing those criticisms.

    Feel free to edit the Module (or any other Module) to your content. It is after all, a dynamics project.


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20