Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A dream "Who's Viewed Your Profile?"


  1. LOL! Yes, my dream profile indeed.

  2. I'm not on LinkedIn but my views would probably be "someone who wants to sell you something" repeated many times.

  3. The Version from Hell:

    Your old research advisor who leaves a voice mail about irreproducibility of your thesis procedures

    Dick Cheney

    The IRS

    That psycho who you once said "hi" to and thinks that you two were meant to be together forever and that no else is good enough for you

  4. UI, John:

    Yeah, a couple of days ago, mine was "Anonymous LinkedIn User" 3X, a not-very-savvy recruiter and the annoying postdoc from grad school I didn't like very much.

  5. So, CJ, you're only a slight step above John's version of LinkedIn views from Hell. At least Dick Cheney and the IRS weren't looking at you.

  6. @CJ, John, UI - I recall an amusing interaction from a few months back with a supervisor. He decided it was AOK to go snooping on his past employees' profiles with his settings turned to "anonymous profile info," which he assumed meant he was roughly invisible to the rest of LinkedIn.

    Sad to say, only a few people in the world come up in your "Who's Viewed Me?" list as "Pharma Executive from (Exact Location you Used to Work)" (!!!)

    Stealth mode = fail.


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20