Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ivory Filter Flask: 2/5/13 edition

Good morning! Between January 29 and February 4, there were 17 academic positions posted on C&EN Jobs. The numbers:

Total number of ads: 17
- Postdocs: 3
- Tenure-track faculty:  7
- Temporary faculty: 5
- Lecturer positions:  2
- Staff positions:  1
- US/non-US: 14/3

Geneva, Switzerland: The University of Geneva is looking for an assistant professor of organic chemistry; sounds lovely. 

Exeter, NH: Phillips Exeter Academy is looking for a M.S. chemist to be a chemistry instructor. 

Walla Walla, WA: Whitman College desires 2 temporary assistant professors of general/organic chemistry; must wish to be "teachers and scholars", should enjoy living in remote Western United States. 

Sherman, TX: Austin College is looking for 2 temporary assistant professors of general/organic chemistry; should enjoy living in rural Texas. (I'm weirdly intrigued.)

Hong Kong, China: The University of Hong Kong is searching for a postdoc in physical chemistry. 


  1. Yo, c-Jobs. Speaking of academia research practices as being bad for everyone, here's the latest smack-down from Benderly up at Science Careers based on that ACS report:

    "The report doesn't use the term "addiction," but the similarity between uncontrolled dependence on an addictive substance and academe's dependence on underpaid and overly numerous graduate students and postdocs makes the word apt in this context. Equally apt is the conviction inherent in the Twelve Steps that addiction invariably damages innocents close to the addict. Those harmed in this case are aspiring young people and the national scientific enterprise. The harm includes constricting the career opportunities available to young researchers, failing to prepare them for the opportunities that do exist, and destroying incentives that have traditionally attracted talented domestic students to science careers. Changing this behavior, the report suggests, is both a moral imperative and practical necessity."

    Also, that Geneva place sounds intriguing, I heard they speak French there, not like in the rest of Switzerland.

  2. I think your French should be pretty fluent for the Geneva post.

  3. The opening at the University of Geneva is 200% an insider job. Swiss universities also won't hire any assistant professors who are older than 30 years, although you will never find this in print.

  4. Crap, I'm older than 30! Damn, I knew I wasted too much time on getting that English degree and taking a year off to work. Of course, if I didn't do all that, I probably wouldn't be so cool with French, but it looks like that's only a minor hurdle. So basically forget about Geneva or any other Swiss place. Well, this does save some time on applications.


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20