Thursday, August 15, 2013


Carmen Drahl is wanting you to decide where she goes at ACS Indy. Click here if you'd like to participate (Facebook poll) - you could win one of 6 $50 gift cards!


  1. I have no facebook account, but I'll chime in. There's only one event in Indianapolis that week that's worth attending - Colts game.

  2. "Carmen Drahl is wanting you to decide where she goes at ACS Indy."

    That's easy: Chicago.

    1. She could count wind turbines on her way up and then tell us all about them.

  3. After a few days in Indy, she'll be wishing she was Carmen San Diego....

    Maybe something more interesting, like secretly accessing the AMRI building at Lilly to interview the in-house CRO folks...

  4. I don't know where she'll end up going, but I totally feel the need to point out that in my mother tongue Carmen Drahl is not a bad answer to the question "where were you?".


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20