Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Daily Pump Trap: 1/26/16 edition

A few of this week's posting from C&EN Jobs:

Blue Steel!: BASF (Iselin, NJ) looking for a "Global Modeling Manager." You probably won't meet Derek Zoolander, though. (PhD, experience required.)

Cambrige, MA: Moderna Therapeutics looking for a Ph.D. synthetic chemist with 3-5 years experience; lipid or oligonucleotide synthesis preferred.

Chevy Chase, MD: HHMI is looking for a "science education fellow." This looks like a fun job for the right person - I wonder how much it pays?

Bangalore, India: "BBRC (Biocon BMS R&D Center), a major R&D site of Bristol-Myers Squibb is a unique collaboration with Syngene International." They're looking for all sorts of folks.

Shanghai, China: Firmenich searching for a chemical engineer to lead a R&D team.


  1. I'm working for HHMI as a postdoc and make $60K with great benefits (which is crazy for a postdoc), so I'm betting that position pays pretty well.

  2. "Biocon BMS R&D Center"

    No way that's the real name. No way.....


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20