Thursday, April 19, 2012

BLS predicts across-the-board job loss in chemical manufacturing

From the newest projections from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook comes the numbers for predicted chemist employment in 2020. As you can see, chemical manufacturing is slated to suffer a 5.7% drop in chemist employment over the next 8 years. Basic chemical manufacturing (-15.1%), pesticide, fertilizer and other agricultural chemical manufacturing (-22.2%) and paint manufacturing (-11.3%) seem slated for especially large drops.

Pharmaceutical manufacturing, it appears, will drop slightly (-0.7%).

BLS, of course, does its very best job to stay on top of these numbers. But it's entirely possible almost guaranteed that they're going to get them wrong, either by being too positive (entirely likely) or too negative (one can hope, but don't hold your breath.)

Best wishes to all of us. 


  1. BLS does *its* very best.
    I donate this typo-find to a non-anon person.

    1. It's the only point of the week so far, I believe.

  2. Are we going to see a rush of chemists to plastics?

  3. Speaking of the BLS numbers.... Riddle me this, according to BLS there're 82,000 chemists, there're probably around 23,000 grad students and 5,000 postdocs (from 2009 data), so 110,000 altogether. Let's assume that 50% of them are ACS members, that's 55,000. ACS has 164,000 members, who are the other 109,000?

    1. "Chemist" does not encompass everyone with a chemistry degree. Professors aren't chemists, biologists aren't chemists, all the sales people, tech support, etc. aren't chemists according to the BLS, but all can be ACS members.


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20