Friday, April 5, 2013

The funniest typo you will see today

Most of the time, I'd like to think I'm above this sort of humor. But not today!

See below for a quite unfortunate misspelling of the classic reaction of the generation of an alkyne from an aldehyde, traditionally the Corey-Fuchs reaction (or the Ramirez-Corey-Fuchs, Wikipedia tells me):

I did not believe it, but download the paper (Tet. Lett., 2009, 50, 4482–4484) and see for yourself. Amusingly, there are 2 other misspellings, so far as I can tell.

(I was wondering if anyone had already mentioned this, and a quick Google search did not reveal any blogs that had covered it. For the love of all that is holy, do not repeat that search -- you go some unfortunate places. Also, it's not like every lab joker in America hasn't made this crack already.)


  1. Nice! This is my favorite, perhaps because it is so juvenile:

  2. I was always paranoid about mistyping Corey-Fuchs. Also very careful to say fyooks.

    --Unstable Isotope

  3. Did you notice "Cory"?
    Like they say, 'you see what you wanna see' had been true for everyone involved in the paper - from the authors to reviewers to editors.

  4. I'm sure you did that from your work computer...

  5. Doesn't beat the copper nanotubes Chem Comm

  6. i didnt even know about the copper nanotubes! thats ridiculous. i've always been scared of mispronouncing this particular reaction as well.

  7. That's a mistake I see quite often in group meeting, unfortunately! But still, it's quite funny =)


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20