Monday, April 8, 2013

Truly, awkward panda

Credit: C&EN/ Peter Stang
From Mitch Jacoby's excellent profile of Professor Peter Stang, a picture begging for a caption contest.

My entry: "I went to China to seek great science and future contributors, but all I got was this lousy panda."*

*Intended as a parody of these T-shirts, not casting aspersions on Chinese science/scientists. 


  1. Panda: "OMG blue is SO not my colour!!"

  2. Stang: "Allow me to explain hypervalent iodine chemistry to you using this handy panda puppet"

  3. Panda: "OK, I'll count to 10 and you go and hide, but you might want to take the blue thing off otherwise this will be too easy"

  4. Panda just been told what his postdoc salary would be.

  5. "No, even being cute doesn't stop me from heartlessly rejecting your masterwork from JACS."

  6. Stang: "I made levulinic acid from sucrose in 20% yield, and I removed all 9 stereocenters in a single step!"

  7. I bet the panda does this with everyone. It's been trained to hate the flash. Stang, not so much.

  8. This panda will do what 10 american bears do, at half the price!

  9. The panda sex education video was too graphic for the students.

  10. Panda: "Oh! Just because panda's are having a tough time, now they decide to lump us in with chemists!?"


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20