Monday, January 19, 2015

Situation wanted: greater Boston, experienced medicinal chemist

If you were, say, an experienced medicinal chemist looking for work in the Boston area, where should you be looking? 


  1. Outside the Boston area...

  2. That answer saddens me. If I were asked where an experienced med chemist should look for employment, the Boston area would have been my first suggestion.

    Is it really that bad? Or is it just worse than it was once, when you could just cross the street and find another R&D job?

    1. I've been looking for a job in the Boston area for over a year and haven't gotten so much as a phone screen. Maybe if I had gone to one of the Ivys in town I'd have an easier time.

    2. There's only one Ivy in town.

  3. Enanta is hiring (mostly entry level) but some higher up process and tox

  4. I have been looking nearly 2 years. Most companies are not looking for experienced people, they are generally looking for entry level positions. The Boston Chemistry job market is oversaturated. If you do decide to focus on Boston, realize your longevity is limited, and make sure that you have a second career to transition into.

    1. Happy to try to help, Anon, if you'd like.


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20