Friday, June 28, 2013

Posing with hands

Busy day today, but a couple of posts coming this weekend, I hope. Via the National Meeting e-mail (tempted to click unsubscribe...), check out Alan Alda and Alton Brown, who will both be attending the Fall ACS conference in Indianapolis.

Hands -- it's what makes a face. 


  1. It's the universal sign of reminding others of Rodin's 'The Thinker'. Makes you look smarter. Like you've been thinking, or might be about to think hard about stuff or some-such.

    God, I need to concentrate. My thoughts are all over the place and I can't get anything done when I sit down in front of the grant document, or the potentiostat. Suddenly it's two hours later and I've got nothing. I think I'm getting dumber and drinking all this beer is not helping. I wish I was more like those two guys; at least I would be a better actor. They seem to have it all under control and be able to concentrate. Plus they are definitely more successful.

  2. It's ACS's way to show that not every keynote speaker will have a thumb up his ass.

    1. Those are easily identified by the title "professor".

  3. Danishefsky shows us how

    1. I especially like the Daisy Duke cutoff shorts of the woman in the background.

  4. Free Radical calls this the look towards the future young graduate pose.

    -- Unstable Isotope

  5. The Aqueous LayerJuly 1, 2013 at 8:48 AM

    Who had the great idea of having the national ACS meeting in Indy? It's a nice town, but was every other decent venue booked this summer?

    Wonder if Lilly will unchain the AMRI folks and let them go.

  6. I actually like the photos where the subject is holding a phone.

  7. Jack Benny did it earlier.

  8. The minute I saw the two photos I thought: Danishefsky!!! Just use Google images to see a least 5 more of the man with the debonair hand pose.

    I'm not surprised to see a young woman in shorts standing behind the man. I had Danishefsky many moons ago for undergraduate organic at Pitt. He routinely invited young women to his office, if they asked him nicely for help with homework. I heard him with my own ears tell a young woman to stop by at 5 in the afternoon. To any young man with the same request, he would bark "Go find a graduate student."

  9. Anonymous, that is the same thing I thought of when I saw the post! Samuel J. Danishefsky has the hand thing down.


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20