Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ever played a mobile organic chemistry game? You might try "Chairs"

There aren't a lot of mobile organic chemistry games (or just chemistry games, something that we've covered here before), but Julie Winter's game "Chairs" is a fun example of one. You can download it here. 

She's looking for startup funding and has a chance to win some. If you've played the game, you might help her out by going to StartGarden (logging in via your Facebook account), and endorsing her game. Also, if you're enthusiastic about the possibility of mobile organic chemistry games, feel free to leave a comment there. 


  1. Thanks, CJ! This $5K grant will be awarded just after noon on Thursday, 2/19.

  2. I showed my class a screenshot of the game today as we started confromational analysis of ring systems. I would love a chair drawing option. Thanks Julia

  3. Yes, that is one of our projects! We have a chair-scaffolding interactive tool mocked-up. Also, a "level 0," really an untimed, interactive tutorial.


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20