Monday, February 1, 2016

New month, new pic: February, "Pharm Country."

For the life of me, "Pharm Country" makes no sense. (Also, where's Roche? Don't answer that.)

(Met a Regeneron employee recently; they seemed to think life was okay.) 


  1. Also seems to be missing Mount Cyanide and BI, among others. I didn't know that Cornell was in Rochester, either. Strange geography, that is for certain

  2. Would you prefer Pharmville?

  3. I bet C-Jobs has seen the pictures for every month of this one already, and is holding out on us for the most ridiculous one. November?

  4. Wow. Rutgers has moved out to Sandy Hook, and Philadelphia is well north of Trenton. Who knew?

    As to why "Pharm Country", a lot of the area used to be (very) productive farmland. As in, decades to centuries ago.

  5. We can't stop here!

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looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20