Monday, August 3, 2015

Podcast: Brandon Findlay and Chemjobber

Brandon Findlay of Chemtips recently has accepted a position as an assistant professor; he and I talk a little about the process of finding and getting a job in Canadian scientific academia.

0:00 to 5:00: Introduction
5:00: Beginning the search
6:50: Which websites were useful for searching for academic jobs in Canada?
9:00: Skype interviewing
12:30: Useful online resources, including Doc Becca's academic job search posts (apologies for sound quality here)
13:15: The onsite interview, including Brandon's incredibly clever jet lag hack
22:30: Letters of reference
24:40: Getting The News
27:30: What will the Findlay Lab tackle?
33:00: Praise for Ken Hanson's "Get A Job, Ken" posts.


  1. Is this podcast available anywhere except via the blog?iTunes/etc?

    I couldn't find chemjobber on iTunes but perhaps you have it up somewhere else?

    1. No, but you can go here and download it:

  2. It was good to hear your thoughts and experiences on the very long process. Congrats on the gig, Brandon!


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20