Thursday, June 25, 2015

"Be well, Wallingford"

Lenina Huxley, MBA: "You do not recognize that Cambridge was the only Biotech Hotspot to survive the Pharma Wars."

John Spartan, Ph.D.: "So?"

Lenina Huxley, MBA: "So, all pharma is done in Cambridge."

(apologies to one of my favorite nineties movies, "Demolition Man."


  1. It's better than Judge Dredd. Oh, [deity], that one hurt.

    I wonder if they'll decide to move pharma R+D to the cloud,

  2. It would seem that most business leaders these days are Demolition Men. They must view that movie in their MBA (Master of Business Assassination) programs.

    1. +1 for the acronym. So, so true.


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